Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Preparation!

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before... but E and I decided to host our very first Thanksgiving this year.  It's a little crazy, we've only been married and in this house for 5 weeks, and now we're hosting dinner for 15 people!  As crazy as that seems, it's going to be good, because we're not going to be doing it alone. The whole family is coming together to help us get through all the cooking and prep. Everyone's bringing something, and while E and I are still cooking, a big weight has been lifted off our shoulders. 

The only hard part is that E and I  both have to work this week... all the way up to the day of. Literally. I am working Tuesday and Wednesday night... meaning I get home at 8 am on Thursday morning! It's going to be an interesting morning, cleaning and sleeping then waking up and cooking. I might forego the sleeping part all together, but I'm not sure yet. We're just going to play it by ear.

The important part is that we're all coming together to celebrate this lovely holiday and appreciate the one thing that we're all thankful for above all - our family! :) 



  1. Connie and I will be there with pies, ham and a pinch of understanding if you dose off at the table :)

  2. Thank you! So happy you will be joining us - can't wait to see you. Please catch my head before I fall asleep face first in the mashed potatoes! :) xoxo

  3. Just don't fall face first in the pumpkin pie! haha

    Looking forward!

    Love you!

  4. I am glad you will had a chance to hold your own Thanksgiving dinner. It's work, but also a lot of fun! We will miss you both this year.
