Saturday, August 11, 2012

August: BACK & inspired

Hello hello hello! 

It's been ages, and frankly I'm good with that. I needed a break. OK, OK, so I didn't last the whole month with the photo-a-day business, but hey! I got through 21 picture-almost-perfect days, and that's more than I can say for other months/goals/days/etc. 

Obviously, it also burnt me out a bit with the blogging and the photo taking and uploading and editing, and all that jazz. I am waiting for a camera that will Wi-Fi upload everything automatically! Wouldn't that be fab? I heard it's in the works and so I'm holding out for that. 

It's been a long few weeks, and I've been sick for most of them. Being sick in the summer is the absolute pits. It's been super hot in the 100s here - typico so cal summer - and staying home and having to eat soup and drink tea doesn't make me a very happy camper.  I also had to take 2 weeks off of work. Back when I thought I was getting better after only having missed 2 days, I thought, "OK, back to the grind..." But then when I got sick again, and couldn't speak (LARYNGITIS!!!) and had a crusty eye (PINK EYE TOO!), I got really antsy, and started to feel super guilty about being sick. So for all of my co-workers reading this - thank you for being so understanding and supportive, your words helped me feel better!

But it really sucks when you're a nurse and your sick and you can go to work for 2 WEEKS! I really started missing it. In a way, it almost re-inspired me as a nurse. I started working on things for my 1 year performance review (1 year, already!) and started looking at how much I've learned and grown. I sort of needed that little boost of nursing energy. I'm feeling 110% better now, and even though my voice is still a little scratchy, I'm so ready to get back to work on Monday night! 

In other news... wedding planning is still going on. Its just over 2 months away and starting to become incredibly tangible and much more exciting. More on this in another post I think, but I am definitely feeling good about the next two months and everything that's going to come after it! 

I took a trip to one of my favorite places (the bookstore) yesterday, and stumbled upon a book that lit a spark on my creative side. I have new ideas flourishing, and that's partly why I am back here. I'm re-inspired nurse-wise and crafty/artsy side-wise as well, and I think I'm ready to share that again. 

So, I'm sorry this post is sans-pictures, but I am feeling too hot to want to bother with more technology right now. My laptop is already generating too much heat under my hands. But there's more to come, more about life, more about the wedding (maybe) and more creative ideas (hopefully they keep coming!). 

Until then, keep cool! 



  1. So glad to hear you're feeling better! BTW - I saw a wi-fi camera last year at Blogworld, so it's not too far off! :)

  2. My dad said they're on their way in the next year or so - I can't wait! :)
