Monday, February 4, 2013

One Little Word meets February

It's already February, and not only that, it's already the 4th. I feel like a whole lot has been going on and I am definitely digging 2013 so far. But in everything that's going on (mainly, all the cooking I've been doing), I feel like I've lost sight of a lot key points I started the year off with. I've lost focus of my One Little Word, choose. It's not that I haven't been thinking about it a lot, actually, I find myself actively saying it a lot, but not often enough and not in the times that I have needed it.  

I am following along with Ali Edward's class, but since I have barely had any time to commit myself to the first month of Project Life, I'm not pushing myself to put together the crafty album bits that the class focuses on. I am, however, using the prompts and ideas to help me guide this year of choosing. 

In January, the task at hand was to create 12 intentions for your word, and commit one to each month of the year. Last month I decided to "discover choose" and figure out what it would mean to my life this year. I can't say that I 100% followed suit. I spent a good amount of time telling myself to choose  to be productive. But I also spent a lot of time not choosing to ride my bike, and not choosing to stay on top of projects. That's OK though. I think that part of that involved choosing priorities. Yes, I am behind in Project Life. Do I even know if it's a project that is going to work for me? No. Am I going to continue to choose to try? Yes. 

I have found that I have discovered that my word needs to be personal. It's not really something that I can explain to others easily, but it makes sense to me. Sometimes just saying the word in my head helps me decide on the spot. I've discovered that, but now I need to focus on it and channel that little word into my brain more frequently. 

In February, with the start of a new month and the start of the Lenten season, my intention is to practice choose.  Not to practice choosing things, but to practice the idea of summoning my word into my head to help me focus. Help me to choose to live more simply, choose how to spend my time, choose how to allow this word into my life so that it works for me.  I'm not quite sure if that even makes sense to me yet, but I am choosing to embrace it and run. 

Happy February, even if I am a little late with it. 


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