In case you hadn't figured it out, Fall is my favorite season. It's full of warm colors and yummy smells and there's (usually) more chances to wear sweaters and cozy up with a blanket, which happens to be one of my favorite things to do! It also means that Pinterest is filled with fun ideas and pretty pictures. And since I just lost an hour to looking at pins and deciding what decor I can make for Thanksgiving, I thought I'd share some things I found with you!
I'm mostly focused on decor at the moment since we haven't talked through our menu just yet. I'm hoping to get in at least one more DIY project after this table runner. Here are some ideas.

These look super fun and simple... I'm not sure I'd go with the mismatched letters on the outside, but something similar might work. I also saw another pin last night that suggested writing on the bottles with Elmer's glue and then spray painting them. But for this one, I like the inside painting.

I know I already made a wreath, but I like the look of this... might hang on to this idea for next year, or spray paint with metallic or glitter for a Christmas themed wreath.

I know I am already making a quilted runner, but I love the simplicity of this pattern, and the colors, and the fact that it's a no-sew runner. I think I might just have to...

These are pretty and festive and can be used up through Christmas, which I love. I think I might give these a try. Maybe with gold glitter.
For the table:

I love the idea of this, but I don't know how practical it will be. If I can use the same no-sew technique as the runner, this might have to happen too. Just not with chevrons.

E and I have a whole bunch of little pumpkins which are super easy decor on their own, but since I love candles, this might be a simple way to go... obviously not with the tops on. That's a fire hazard and I know already that it won't fly in this house...

This probably wont fly either, but it looks really cool. Oh to be married to a firefighter...
And then for something sweet:

I'm pretty sure we won't be making this for dessert on Thanksgiving, but it was too pretty to not share. My mom makes really delicious baked stuffed apples, and I love the way the pie crust tops it for a sweet look. A must try for the fall.
Lastly, there is the issue of what to wear. Thanksgiving means lots of cooking and running around in the kitchen, in what will most likely be a very hot house with a lot of people. It also means a lot of food and the need for expandable clothes. But you want to look nice. In a perfect dream world where I look like a model, I would wear something like this...

But since that would mean hours of running every day and a whole new wardrobe, I think I will probably stick to something a little more comfy. Sort of like this...

Maybe not with a white top because, you know, there will be food involved. And, most likely using similar pieces from my own closet to avoid pre-Christmas shopping. Although, it will be before Thanksgiving, so I should be able to get away with one last bit of me-shopping.
Well! There you have it... Pinterest you are a fabulous time waster. Now I actually have to go and prep the house for all these pretty things. Excuse me, there are dishes to be washed....
P.S. You can also find all these pins on my board Pingazing: Fall Edition
Photo Creds: bottle decor / pinecone wreath / polkadot runner / glitter mason jars / utensil holder / carved pumpkin candleholders / pumpkins with candles / baked apple pies / yellow sweater outfit / denim and babydoll top
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