Thursday, January 3, 2013

"choose" a new start

One little word to lead me through 2013. It's totally my word. If you've read my posts gearing up for the Christmas holiday celebrations, you already know that I have been trying to apply "choose" or choices to my daily life. I want to choose better. Choose what? EVERYTHING. I should mention that I signed up for Elise's course "i choose"  a few weeks back, and I am taking her approach to "choose" from last year, and using it to apply myself to goals that I set for myself. Monthly, attainable goals that I can choose to work toward. 

So in January, I choose to:
1) Throw myself into the 52 Soup Project and know that when it starts to freak me out and intimidate me, that I NEED to just do it. 

2) Focus more at work. Learn more, read more, apply myself more. I've been a nurse for over a year, and February will mark one year since I've been working on my own. I choose to focus harder on growing in my field.

3) Open myself up to changes and new things. I'm still getting used to being a wife and I need to open my mind and heart up to newness and know that just because things are new, it doesn't mean they are replacing the old. Nothing can replace memories and lessons learned. 

4) Be active. I have a brand new bike and it's not going to do me any good if it's sitting in the garage. I want to choose to ride my bike at least twice a week. I also choose to go out and find a helmet soon. 

5) Stay hydrated. When I really look at my daily fluid intake, about 70% of it is coffee (I also think that half and half is my main dairy source). I need to choose water and tea over coffee a few more times out of my day. 

So there we have it. 5 goals that I know that I can work on, if only I choose to do so. And I'm choosing to start now!

What about you? Are you picking a word for 2013? Are you setting goals for yourself? I'd love to know what you're doing to make 2013 an amazing year!



  1. I've been giving a lot of thought to my "one word". I think I've decided but tonight I want to re-visit your blog and read about the whole one word thing....and then maybe tonight I'll do the "big reveal" and write about my word. : )

  2. Excited for the big reveal of your little word :)
