Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blog dreams & the 200th post

It's hard to believe how much this blog has grown in the last nearly two years. This is the 200th post, and the count starts back with posts originally from Bacheegs & Love. So if you are a new follower, or you've been around since those early days - THANK YOU! I wouldn't have kept it going if it weren't for the support I get in the comments from you. 

This blog has been an outlet for me to vent my roller coaster of emotions. But it's been more than just a journal entry sort of space. It's been an inspirational outlet as well, keeping me accountable for projects I start and connecting me with so many other creative bloggers. Not to mention that it's got me writing again. I am so happy that Love Well Crafted has grown into the blog that it is today, and I hope that I can start sewing seeds to see it flourish even more in the years to come. 

Blogging has inspired me. It's inspired me to craft and cook and sew and create. It's gotten me thinking about the future and my future in blogging. E and I started the-grapeleaf about a month ago, and now we're in it together. I love the idea that putting my words and ideas and recipes out here in this space means that I might inspire someone else like other bloggers have inspired me. 

I still so long to be a part of the blogging "community." It seems like there are so many connections out there that I have yet to make; unsure of how to make them and uncertain, but excited, about where they may take us. 

Wherever it takes us, I'm so ready to see it and explore it and be a part of it. I so hope you'll be right alongside us reading along on the next part of this journey. So here's to post #200! And in the words of my grandmother - "may you have at least 200 more!"


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