Thursday, January 10, 2013

Choosing soup number 2

I'm sitting at the social security office waiting to have my name changed. It's a mad house and I am so regretting those extra minutes of sleep I got instead of getting in line before they opened.
But...I am choosing to make the most of it (otherwise I might just loose my mind). While I didn't bring my coffee with me (also regretting that) I did bring a cookbook with me.  Soup number two has been chosen and my shopping list is made!  I'm keeping this week's pick a secret for now; it's not the most traditional sounding soup, but I am hopeful about it.
I am hoping to make this soup project a weekly special on the blog... I'm thinking of Soup Sunday? Either way, because of my work schedule this week, and plans for the rest (I could be here all day...), this soup won't grace our bowls until this weekend. But it looks like our weather is going to stay cool and so soup sounds perfect.
For more updates, or to keep me entertained for the next 15373518 minutes, follow me on Instagram @anikohar.


  1. The ingredients soup perfect. In fact I have it all in my fridge - including the cauliflower. Can you please send your dear sweet mother the recipe before the weekend? I promise not to be the blog spoiler.

  2. Cauliflower cheddar soup? Sounds yummy!

  3. Mama - I sent you a pic of the recipe. Let me know if you got it.
    And Suzie - SHHH! It's a secret! ;)
